Since I finally got an underwater camera, I was hit head-on with the variety of problems that occur when shooting underwater. One problem is white balance. Because of the filtration power of the water, certain wavelengths of light are lost as they pass through the water. So, all my first pictures were a nice greenish hue. Unless you use flash, which replaces the missing wavelengths. The pictures can be salvaged, thanks to Photoshop, but who wants to edit every picture just to get the green colour removed.
Beng recommended I try Magic Filters, so I have purchased a couple of them (for blue and green water) and will be trying them out next weekend when I am diving Pulau Perhentian.
From what I've seen of Beng's photos, I know Magic Filters work like, well, magic! I'm eager to try them out. The problem is that you can't use flash with them so you have to decide before you get in the water if you want to shoot flash photography or available light. This may not be the conundrum I imagine.
More information on Magic Filters can be found by clicking here.
I am also going to take my laptop and try to write up a short description of each dive and post it on the blog to give you an idea of conditions and which dives are good and which are less than spectacular.
This will also be my warm-up for Lankayan, where I will be diving in early April. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a whale shark.